Este concurso ha terminado. Enhorabuena al diseñador ganador Rebekah.M
Información necesaria
Nombre de la organización
The Wee Bean
Cuidado infantil
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
We are an online retailer selling baby essentials and gifts. Our main target audiences are pregnant/expectant mothers and parents with newborns (age 0-3)
Detalles del contenido
We would like to produce a set of Hong Kong food-inspired designs for our baby bandana bibs.
We want to animate several popular HK food items:
- Har Gow (shrimp dumpling)
- Sui Mai (meat dim sum)
- Egg Tart
- Bubble Tea
- Pineapple Bun
We want the illustration to be fun, cartoony, colorful and somewhat resemble our Bean logo in terms of the style and simple facial features. On the bib, it would be a simple recurring pattern using the illustration. I will attach some sample images for reference
Otras notas
- bright, colorful, pastel (baby-friendly) colors
- gender neutral designs and colors
- must be cute!
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