Imagen del servicio

Business Card

sin incluir la comisión de la plataforma del 5 %
3 días
tiempo de entrega

servicio de Tarjeta de presentación

First Impression is important. Introduce yourself and your business to your customer, colleagues or your new potential business partner with a professional looking business card that perfectly compliment your logo and able to amazingly represent your company vision.

Tell me what your preference shape and size, anything is possible, from custom die cut, standard rectangle or square dimension and any printable material.

+Additional cost may applied, If you want full detailed custom illustration artworks on the backside of the business card. (like one on the thumbnail)

Lo que recibirá

- Print-ready Final files 3mm bleed and custom die-cut path.
- Editable Text so you can modify the personal details of your employees.
- For copyright reason, font used that required license will not be provided. However I will provide online source where you can purchase it.

Ilustrator file (AI)
Vector file (EPS)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)
Photoshop file (PSD)

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