One sophisticated pattern
servicio de Gráficos e Ilustraciones
Unique custom-made pattern fot textiles or stationary, made in elaborate painting technique.
You will get a pattern tile that can be repeated endlessly. If required I can make a color separation for screen printing. You also get a pattern spec sheet or color mill for production purpose.
This project includes up to 3 big design changes. Things like: you want to discard the flamingo and have a lama instead and so on.
It also contains 2 colorways of the pattern.
I look forward to your ideas.
Best regards
Lo que recibirá
I usually deliver watercolors and another handdrawn designs as 300 DPI raster files: PSD, JPG, PNG or TIFF. This enables the best printing quality. On request, it is possible to vectorize such designs with a certain loss of quality. Possible vector formats are AI, EPS and SVG
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