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Simple book formatting

sin incluir la comisión de la plataforma del 5 %
10 días
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servicio de Otros, libro o revista

Simple book formatting design for:
▸ fiction/non-fiction books with mostly text
▸ black-and-white interior
▸ up to 72,000-word manuscript (extra fee for larger books)
▸ up to 10 (ten) black-and-white images placed in a simple layout (no photo retouching)
▸ typesetting details that meet publishing industry standards
▸ stylized chapter-opening pages
▸ basic layout (no tables, no charts, no diagrams, no other graphics)
▸ standard sizes: 6"x9", 5"x8", 5.25"x8", 5.5"x8.5"

✮ IMPORTANT: Your manuscript must be in Microsoft Word format and fully edited when you send it to me for design. No PDF or other text file formats accepted. All images must be high resolution enough, preferably 300DPI. The 3 (three) rounds of revisions include up to 100 (one hundred) minor proof reading errors such as, misplaced commas, colons, wrong spelling, etc. During and/or after the design period, there will be no substantial editing, no adding extra chapters, paragraphs, or images. If you absolutely have to do major modifications to the content after I assess your manuscript, there will be additional fees.

✮ To see examples of my past work, please visit my website portfolio:

Lo que recibirá

▸ 2 (two) print-ready PDF files for CreateSpace and IngramSpark (extra fee if you need files for a different publisher)
▸ 1 (one) package of the InDesign working/source files for your personal archive
▸ 3 (three) 3D mock-ups for your digital marketing purposes (PNG and JPG file formats)

Portable Document Format (PDF)
InDesign file (INDD)
Image file (JPG)
Image file (PNG)

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