Logo and Merchandise Design(s): Ladies First Cannabis

I cannot say enough amazing things about vupeyadu/Alexandra!
First, she is extremely responsive! You will never feel like she's leaving you hanging. Second, very attentive! She really took all of my ideas to heart and put a lot of effort into them. Third, her patience is unrivaled. This project was not supposed to take as long as it did, but as we worked together there were changes I wanted to make and she was cool with everything. Lastly, she is immensely talented! I am so happy with all of my designs/logos. Even the ones I didn't ultimately select, due to going in a different direction, were just outstanding. I plan on working with her again, if she'll have me. LOL! 10/10-would highly recommend!

Reseña de ladiesfirstcannabis

hace cerca de 2 meses

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