
Translation Service Brochure
Teamworks Youth Programs Postcard
SantaIdea Logo & Business Card
Logo Redesign
Package concept for Baby's Supplement
Clean design for Real State Brochure
Funomenal Workplace
Innovative approach for a book about inventing.
Book for sensor systems for Aging Parents
Brochure for Summer Camp Facility
A creative billboard to sell HVAC units.
Outlining Hot & Cold logo symbol for a Stationery.

Acerca de

I'm a creative professional from Brazil passionated for visual and strategic solutions. I'm very detailed in my concepts and feedback guides me towards the right conceptual solution. I'm a versatile professional, check my folio, print, digital, packaging, no matter the project, I will put my mind on it to deliver the best result. Be my guest, or in good portuguese: fique à vontade.

País: Brasil. Miembro desde: miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2012


"Thank you for your design! It worked great for us!"
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace más de 4 años
"Amazing Fast service! I was blown away by his design. I asked for a few extra stuff from Cristiano that was not included in my initial request and he generously took care of them. Highly recommended from Houston, TX!"
Foto del perfilmfaizE reseñado hace más de 5 años
"Nice turn-around on timing and beautiful graphics"
Foto del perfilamy.corman reseñado hace más de 5 años
"Very nice work. Great understanding of goals"
Foto del perfilamy.corman reseñado hace más de 5 años
"Great work and response. Thank you "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace más de 5 años