Información de contexto
Nombre a incorporar en el logotipo
You Sell the Second
Eslogan a incorporar en el logotipo
Descripción de la organización y el público al que apunta
This logo is intended for an internal marketing campaign to emphasize the importance of customer experience at a Caterpillar heavy equipment distributor, Wheeler Machinery Co.
"You sell the second" speaks to customers becoming repeat purchasers due to the superior support and experience they receive from all areas of the dealership (parts, service, rental, finance, etc.) not just from the sales reps selling them their first machine.
Estilo visual
Colores a explorar
Otros requisitos relativos al color
We'd like for a specific yellow (Cat Yellow) to be used as an accent color:
C - 0
M - 29
Y - 100
K - 0
R - 255
G - 205
B - 17
Atributos de estilo
Diseño de inspiración
For more images like the one above to possibly incorporate into your logo design, visit this SharePoint and use password C@tp0wer
Otras notas
I'd like for the logo to use black and Cat yellow as the primary colors. Visit to see the range of products we sell and services we provide. With this being an internal campaign, the logo can be more fun and less serious than our typical look. Maybe a superhero type feel with a machine image incorporated? I don't want to limit creativity though and welcome a range of designs!
This is listed as a comment under one of the images, but I wanted to call it out here too. For more Cat machine images to possibly incorporate into the logo, please access this SharePoint site using the password C@tp0wer
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