Información necesaria
Know someone who is single and has great dating stories? This blog is devoted to the trials, tribulations and laughs that go along with dating! It will also include reviews of dating companies, social venues and other topics of interest to singles. All this blog needs now is YOUR help - a fabulous new logo and website as it spreads through the web!
Nombre de la empresa
Detalles del contenido
Still working out the precise name of the website but the central word / concept is DATEctive. The blog is written anonymously and will focus on providing singles with not only amusing dating stories but also reviews - along the lines of mystery shopping - of dating companies and other venues that serve singles. I'd like the DATEctive to be the brand to build other services around. So let's begin with something like "The DATEctive Blog" with DATEctive being the focus and also have suggested fonts and colors associated with it. I'd like those fonts / colors to be relatively mainstream so that I can make changes myself as the brand grows. Immediately I also need business cards and a tote bag (I am going to an industry conference and would like to bring it with)
If you'd like to get a feel for the blog (before it becomes a website with your logo on top!) take a look at
So to sum up, I am asking for:
1. Logo
2. Biz card (details to be provided after logo is chosen)
3. The winner of the contest agrees to make minor adjustments to the proposed logo / card to get it right.
Lo que desea
- DATEctive should be the central focus of design
- Fonts and colors for related words for associated titles of the brand like "The DATEctive Blog", etc.
- Crisp, clear and clever
- Should have the feel and energy to reflect the brand - fun, sophisticated, professional
- Logo to be in formats compatible with print and web and things like t-shirts
- I'd like simple, classy, elegant, non-cluttered design - a picture that says a lot but doesn't have a ton of components
- No more than 2-3 colors and look good printed digitally (and in black / white)
- Please consider how the logo(s) will look when they get printed digitally on paper as well as fabric - it might require two versions of the logo - 1) web 2) print on paper and possibly 3) print on fabric
- The winner of the contest agrees to make minor adjustments to the proposed logo / card to get it right.
No quiero
- Not too feminine (as it is intended to be read by both genders)
- Nothing sleazy or sexually suggestive
- Cluttered or busy design
- Too many colors or super loud colors
- Look blotchy or pixilated when printed
- Looks great on the web but looses the look / feel when printed in black / white or outside the web
Archivos finales del concurso
Archivos finales
Si usa tipos de letra que requieren licencia, confirme que el cliente esté de acuerdo con su uso. Por motivos de licencias, es mejor proporcionarle a su cliente información sobre cómo adquirir el tipo de letra en lugar de proporcionarle los propios archivos.
El texto en logotipos debe convertirse a letras sin relleno.