Este concurso ha terminado. Enhorabuena al diseñador ganador Xenth
Información necesaria
**** UPDATE **** Please don't get stuck on the bird idea... it's not a requirement just a suggestion
We are looking for a recognizable, fresh logo for web, mobile, and print use.
It's important that the logo be iconic... so that we can incorporate it as an image button on mobile applications.
Thanks for competing and good luck!
Nombre de la empresa
Detalles del contenido
We think the web has a long way to go to promote social interaction and that smart phones are the physical bridge for price comparison, so we're looking for a logo design that will be useful in multiple UI contexts.
Your design will inform the web pages we're creating in terms of color and style. Use colors that can be interpreted site wide.
Lo que desea
- completely original vector work... intend to TM
- prefer "" but may exclude ".com" if that's better for your design
- iconic
- multiple colors
- icon that can be arranged as favicon.ico
No quiero
- will only consider very unique RSS logo reinterpretations
Si usa tipos de letra que requieren licencia, confirme que el cliente esté de acuerdo con su uso. Por motivos de licencias, es mejor proporcionarle a su cliente información sobre cómo adquirir el tipo de letra en lugar de proporcionarle los propios archivos.
El texto en logotipos debe convertirse a letras sin relleno.