
Fast Break - James Merilatt
How to Talk to Anyone
Celebrate Every Day with a Puzzle!
The Complete Learn Spanish For Adult Beginners Book (3 In 1)
3D Printing For Beginners
Conversaciones en inglés: diálogos cortos para mejorar tu inglés
The Dual-Language Storybook
The Anxiety Relief Word Search Book for Stressed Adults
Title: 27 PassioThe Dynamics of the Enneagram Instincts, Emotions, Passions, and Fixations
Cover design for a book on Latin American insects
Cricket's Craziest Crime
Chair Yoga: Improving Strength, Flexibility and Posture Whilst Creating a Happy State of Mind


"Second project I've done with Ale, I'm very happy with the results of both. Thanks!"
Foto del perfildaniel.welscW reseñado hace 18 días
"Amazing as always!"
Foto del perfilchris.rawson5c reseñado hace cerca de 2 meses
"Great work. Very flexible with a couple of last-minute edits. Very well done!"
Foto del perfilJmerilatt reseñado hace 3 meses
"I was very happy with the result."
Foto del perfilelliott.middleton reseñado hace 5 meses
"The book covers were visually pleasing and conveyed the message I wanted."
Foto del perfilelliott.middleton reseñado hace 6 meses