
Fantasy Island
Old Faithful Snow Lodge
I'm an Honor Trotter
Boston Terrier
Captain's Code
Sanibel Dance Company
Icon Medical Solutions
Maggie's 30th Birthday
The Happy Spaniard
Bigfoot Yeti Sasquatch Logo T-shirt
Create Versace Style Illustration for a Vape Brand

Acerca de

I studied Architecture, and now work as an Architect and Interior Designer. I am able to work in any other areas of Design. Please feel free to contact me if you need your Design being done by me.

Miembro desde: miércoles, 23 de abril de 2014
Nivel intermedio




"Another job well done."
Foto del perfiljmstickney reseñado hace cerca de 8 años
"Saintz was fantastic to work with. Very responsive and incredibly open to all requests."
Foto del perfiljmstickney reseñado hace más de 8 años
"Was quick to make revisions and very patient with me. Thank you, Sir. "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace casi 9 años
"great artist to work with, had a lots of patients with my demands. Took it upon himself to create multiple design to give me more options. He is definitely someone I would recommend and would love to work with again with no hesitation. An artist who ex..."
Foto del perfilelijahbarry reseñado hace casi 9 años
"Great designs, responded to specific requests that I had to create the perfect design, and great communication."
Foto del perfilwtamacas reseñado hace casi 9 años