
Real Estate SaaS Dashboard
USIMS App's Homepage
Redesign of a dashboard application
Dog Training iOS App
App to the automotive industry (dealers, manufacturers and partners)
OwnerDirect.com homepage design
Fast Cover Home Page - Above the fold
Conversion focused redesign of a listing website for moving companies (VerifiedMovers.com)
Design for ride sharing app
Redesign of existing snow travel booking page
Physical Fitness App
Entwistle Law Website Design

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País: Ucrania. Miembro desde: miércoles, 20 de octubre de 2010


"Working with Borys.zbn was an excellent experience. With minimal communication, they understood my vision perfectly and edited the screens just as I had imagined. It was a pleasure collaborating with them, and I am thrilled with the final result, which ..."
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 8 días
"Good work and fast communication. "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 15 días
"He is a great designer. And he is very fast in his work."
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 2 meses
"Borys is terrific. Great designs, responsive to requests and feedback. "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 3 meses
"Excellent designer. Added real value to our project."
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 3 meses