
Album cover for electronic-pop duo
Album Cover for Progressive Jazz-Metal Band
Album Cover for Progressive Jazz-Metal Band
Cover Art for a Rap Song about Time
Cover art for multi-million stream indie rapper
Cover art for Pop/ R&B album
Original Album Art

Acerca de

Hi! I'm Mario Jerić, multi-disciplinary creative from Croatia. I have been working as a graphic designer for more than 5 years now. I got my MA degree in Visual Communications Design at Art Academy in Split in 2019. I have developed color and layout sense so i can provide clients with solutions that they are looking for.

País: Croacia. Miembro desde: viernes, 14 de julio de 2017
Concurso ganado
Segundo finalista
Proyectos 1-1
Clientes habituales
Nivel intermedio



"Original and fast!"
Foto del perfilnickllerandi reseñado hace cerca de 2 años
"Thank you very much Nick!"
Foto del perfilMario_Jeric respondido hace cerca de 2 años
"Thanks for your marvelous work, looking forward to more collaboration, if anything further is needed will reach to you."
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace casi 3 años
"Thank you very much, it was a pleasure working with you!"
Foto del perfilMario_Jeric respondido hace casi 3 años
"Was very responsive and quick with making all the changes I needed! "
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace casi 3 años
"Very quick to revise his designs, a pleasure to work with."
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace casi 3 años
"love your work, excellent artist who really nailed the vision that I had in mind, and was great working on revisions"
Foto del perfilclydekellymusic reseñado hace cerca de 3 años
"Hi, Clyde. I'm glad you like the cover. Thank you very much for the review! I love doing collage, so for me this was a really interesting task. I'm also very happy with the outcome. Looking forward to hear your album. Cheers!"
Foto del perfilMario_Jeric respondido hace cerca de 3 años