
Knee Sleeve Packaging For Amazon Best Seller
Small and Simple Eye Dropper Box for Relieving Eye Drops
Kraft Paper packaging design for LED Bulb
Car Mount Design a cool package
Sickness bag/vomit bag packaging
Design a Modernized and Captivating Product Label for High-End Nootropic Supplements
Design a Luxurious Natural supplement label
New Vitamin Brand Looking for a modern label
Design a tube label for a natural, modern OTC oral rehydration solution
Package Design for a Hand Brace
Design innovative packaging for Smart clothing that will be the future

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Skilled in Logo Design, Graphic Design , Web Design, 3D Arts, Sketching , Illustration and Good At Book Cover Design.

Miembro desde: domingo, 14 de diciembre de 2014
Concurso ganado
Segundo finalista
Proyectos 1-1
Clientes habituales
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"Great working with Ahmed on this project. He is very responsive and delivers very good quality outputs."
Foto del perfilarielbK reseñado hace más de 6 años
"Great to work with Ahmed. He understood the brief and produced very high quality designs for us. "
Foto del perfilarielbK reseñado hace más de 6 años
"Amazing JOb! Easy to work with and so talented"
Foto del perfilyekadesignq reseñado hace más de 6 años
"Love your designs Love your attitude to work."
Foto del perfildeve.wang reseñado hace casi 7 años
"After doing some research and I decided to try 99Designs for our new packaging of LED Bulbs. then posted initial demands, but none of the designers can fully understand the essence of LED Bulb packaging except Qdine. he should not only get my point quic..."
Foto del perfildeve.wang reseñado hace cerca de 7 años