
Monogram C for Ceremian Financial
Lovely pet
Pictorial logo concept for outdoor apparel
monoline logo concept
pictorial logo concept for Marketing Nerds
Simple monoline of chameleon
pictorial logo concept for GORYLA
pictorial logo concept for PlacePython
Simple & Modern Logo concept for The Park apartment complex.
pictorial logo concept for PURE LIMITLESS
hidden object concept
angry monster concept

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Client's satisfaction is my goal.

Miembro desde: lunes, 01 de mayo de 2017
Nivel intermedio




"YANA is an incredible designer, and truly understands the inspiration for my project. I highly recommend. This is our second project together and I expect there will be more."
Foto del perfilronai.a.jason reseñado hace 23 días
"Quick work, great quality. I highly recommend this designer! "
Foto del perfilReefHouse Apparel Co reseñado hace 4 meses
"Incredibly responsive and the work quality is top notch"
Foto del perfilReefHouse Apparel Co reseñado hace 4 meses
"Designed a great logo for us, Yana was great to work with and gave great customer service."
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 7 meses
"YANA is fabulous!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Cliente anónimo reseñado hace 7 meses